Death of Another Computer
3:59 PM Posted by Crista Hecht
I won't be posting for awhile. Another computer died. Video card failure I suspect, but who knows.
Photographers vs. Bike Messengers
2:17 PM Posted by Crista Hecht
The impossible photo story is possible, but only if you are ok with getting yelled at, flipped off at, or getting nasty looks. I guess you could call it the war between photographers and bike messengers. Supposedly our professor is on their hit list because he's been sending out students like us to take their photos for the last 10 years.

Only 3 months til graduation?
9:31 PM Posted by Crista Hecht
I'm having fun with one of my classes. We're doing a lot of portrait and lighting workshops, which is the area I need the most help in. I never thought I'd like portraiture so much, but now that I'm actually figuring out the lighting on my own, it doesn't seem like such a hard task anymore. All I want to do is take portraits now.
That's it for now..