It's been awhile...
It's been a very long time since I've posted anything. I've been busy with life and working on my thesis for my Masters degree. I'm pretty close to finishing, but it's been a long, exhausting road.
My thesis is on a horse rescue in California. They rescue horses that have been beaten, starved or are in a dangerous environment. There is a big problem with domestic horses right now due to the economy..people can't afford to feed their horses anymore. It's really sad. So, I've been working on this for a few months. When I'm not taking photos, I volunteer at the ranch..13+ hours a day, 7 days a week..doing anything I can to help. These people are by far, the kindest and most generous people I've ever met and worked with. Recently, the ranch has been hit hard by the stresses of the economy. I would urge anyone who is able to donate to the rescue. The only way these horses can survive is through the help of people.
The ranch is called ReHorse Rescue Ranch and you can donate on their website. The website is currently under construction, but you can still donate on the main page.
Here are a few photos..the first two are a recent rescue (my photos). The others are photos by the owner of the ranch.
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